Die Auslöschung der Menschheit – nur ein Programmfehler? Und sogar revidierbar?
Samstag, 22.6.2012. Eifel. Machen Sie sich eigentlich einmal Gedanken über Ihre Zukunft? Nein, nicht über Ihre persönliche – die steht schon fest. Das wissen wir doch alle.
Sibylle Berg hat sie heute in einem Artikel im Spiegel kurz und treffend beschrieben: Wir alle müssen mehr und schneller produzieren, egal was. Egal warum. Der Wettbewerb, die Konkurrenz schläft
nicht. Eine der wenigen Autoren in den Bezahlmedien, die noch nicht im Gleichschritt mit den Regimentern des Neoliberalismus marschiert ...
Quelle: Nachrichtenspiegel
Gemälde: Walters Art Museum: Home page Info about artwork, "The Greek philosopher Diogenes (404-323 BC) is seated in his abode, the earthenware tub, in the Metroon, Athens,
lighting the lamp in daylight with which he was to search for an honest man. His companions were dogs that also served as emblems of his 'Cynic' (Greek: 'kynikos', dog-like) philosophy, which
emphasized an austere existence. Three years after this painting was first exhibited, Gerome was appointed a professor of painting at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts where he would instruct many
students, both French and foreign."; this file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the Walters Art Museum as part of
a cooperation project. All artworks in the photographs are in public domain due to age. The photographs of two-dimensional objects are also in the public domain. Photographs of
three-dimensional objects and all descriptions have been released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License and the GNU Free Documentation License. In case of the text descriptions, copyright restrictions only apply to longer
descriptions which cross the threshold of originality.
tagPlaceholderTags: familienpolitik, wirtschaftspolitik, frontpage
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