Kaum Geld und trübe Aussichten - Kinderarmut in Deutschland Teil 3

Foto: Dorothea Lange, Farm Security Administration / Office of War Information / Office of Emergency Management / Resettlement Administration, \"Portrait shows Florence Thompson with several of her children in a photograph known as \"Migrant Mother\". The Library of Congress caption reads: \"Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California.\" In the 1930s, the FSA employed several photographers to document the effects of the Great Depression on the population of America. Many of the photographs can also be seen as propaganda images to support the U.S. government\'s policy distributing support to the worst affected, poorer areas of the country. Lange\'s image of a supposed migrant pea picker, Florence Owens Thompson, and her family has become an icon of resilience in the face of adversity. However, it is not universally accepted that Florence Thompson was a migrant pea picker. In the book Photographing Farmworkers in California (Stanford University Press, 2004), author Richard Steven Street asserts that some scholars believe Lange\'s description of the print was \"either vague or demonstrably inaccurate\" and that Thompson was not a farmworker, but a Dust Bowl migrant. Nevertheless, if she was a \"Dust Bowl migrant\", she would have left a farm as most potential Dust Bowl migrants typically did and then began her life as such. Thus any potential inaccuracy is virtually irrelevant. The child to the viewer\'s right was Thompson\'s daughter, Katherine (later Katherine McIntosh, 4 years old (Leonard, Tom, \"Woman whose plight defined Great Depression warns tragedy will happen again \", article, The Daily Telegraph, December 4, 2008) Lange took this photograph with a Graflex camera on large format (4\"x5\") negative film.\"

Gerade zu Weihnachten zeigt sich die Geldklemme von ihrer besonders harten Seite. Bei der Bescherung gehen viele Kinder wegen elterlicher Mittellosigkeit leer aus.


Bei Hamburgs Projekt "Kinder-Insel" hilft Thomas Brueggemann Bedürftigen mit gesponserten und gespendeten Fahrrädern. Schließlich sieht der Hartz-IV-Regelsatz gerade mal 44 Cent pro Monat für die Anschaffung eines Rades vor. Wer keins hat, wird schnell zum Außenseiter.


Die Ursache des zunehmenden Massenelends liegt an mehreren Faktoren:

  • Globale Überproduktions- und Strukturkrisen führen zu chronischer Dauerarbeitslosigkeit und Unterbeschäftigung der breiten Masse der Bevölkerung
  • Schleifen der letzten Schutzmaßnahmen lokaler Märkte und der sozialen Sicherungssysteme zugunsten der Maximalprofite internationaler Konzerne und Großbanken
  • Internationale Spekulation mit Rohstoffen, Lebensmitteln, Wasser und Elektrizität an den Warenterminbörsen

Diese Faktoren sind Hauptmerkmale der Krisenhaftigkeit des imperialistischen Weltsystems und stellen grundlegende Probleme dieses Systems dar.


Hiergegen richtet sich der Kampf um den Erhalt sozialer Errungenschaften, den Erhalt von Arbeitsplätzen, sowie der Kampf zum Schutz der natürlichen Umwelt.


Weitere Informationen zur Kinderarmut: http://www.kinder-armut.de/

Foto: Dorothea Lange, Farm Security Administration / Office of War Information / Office of Emergency Management / Resettlement Administration, "Portrait shows Florence Thompson with several of her children in a photograph known as "Migrant Mother". The Library of Congress caption reads: "Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California." In the 1930s, the FSA employed several photographers to document the effects of the Great Depression on the population of America. Many of the photographs can also be seen as propaganda images to support the U.S. government's policy distributing support to the worst affected, poorer areas of the country. Lange's image of a supposed migrant pea picker, Florence Owens Thompson, and her family has become an icon of resilience in the face of adversity. However, it is not universally accepted that Florence Thompson was a migrant pea picker. In the book Photographing Farmworkers in California (Stanford University Press, 2004), author Richard Steven Street asserts that some scholars believe Lange's description of the print was "either vague or demonstrably inaccurate" and that Thompson was not a farmworker, but a Dust Bowl migrant. Nevertheless, if she was a "Dust Bowl migrant", she would have left a farm as most potential Dust Bowl migrants typically did and then began her life as such. Thus any potential inaccuracy is virtually irrelevant. The child to the viewer's right was Thompson's daughter, Katherine (later Katherine McIntosh, 4 years old (Leonard, Tom, "Woman whose plight defined Great Depression warns tragedy will happen again", article, The Daily Telegraph, December 4, 2008) Lange took this photograph with a Graflex camera on large format (4"x5") negative film."; this image is a work of an employee of the United States Farm Security Administration or Office of War Information domestic photographic units, taken as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain. See Copyright.

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